80 years of NCU. A celebration with flair!
- The dream of the University was a truly astronomical dream: seemingly as distant as the stars, but nourished by the fame of the great astronomer born in Toruń - Nicolaus Copernicus - said Prof. dr habil. Andrzej Tretyn, Rector of the University, during his speech on the occasion of the University Day and the 80th jubilee of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.
This year's University Day - although traditionally celebrated on 19 February on the birthday of the university's patron Nicolaus Copernicus - was of a special nature due to the celebration of the 80th jubilee of the NCU. The round birthday of the University is also part of the Year of Jubilees - in the academic year 2024/2025 we are also celebrating the 40th anniversary of the establishment of the Medical Academy in Bydgoszcz and the 20th anniversary of its merger with the NCU and the establishment of the Collegium Modicum.
The celebration of the University Day began with the laying of flowers at the monument to Nicolaus Copernicus on the 552nd anniversary of the astronomer's birth. This time, the academic parade - open to all who wished to join it - proceeded to the Old Town Market Square from the Jordanki Cultural and Conference Centre.

Andrzej Romański
Afterwards, the celebrations moved to the University Auditorium, where the University community was joined in the celebrations by a wide range of distinguished guests, including the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Marcin Kulasek, members of the parliament, representatives of local authorities, as well as rectors who had participated the day before in a meeting of the Conference of Rectors of Polish Universities, organised by the NCU.
The minister, Marcin Kulasek, wishing the university community a happy anniversary, emphasised the NCU's recent successes: a constant presence in the most important international rankings, the status of a research university awarded in the IDUB ministerial competition, membership in the European alliances, investments in infrastructure, development of the educational offer and scientific achievements confirmed, for example, by ERC grants for two of our researchers: Prof. Katharina Boguslawski and Prof. Piotr Wcisło from the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Informatics. - May the first Polish optical atomic clock, which was created within the walls of this university, continue to measure time with exceptional precision, benefiting the University of Toruń and, consequently, all of Polish science - the minister added.
In his jubilee speech, Rector Professor Andrzej Tretyn referred to the beginnings of the University which - despite difficult conditions and infrastructural shortcomings - came into being thanks to the determination and passion of its founders. The Rector also recalled the milestones in the University's development: the construction of the university campus, the transformation of the political system, the development of new faculties and areas of research, the merger with the Medical Academy in Bydgoszcz and, finally, the attainment of the status of a research university and the partnership in the YUFE and YERUN.
- A modern European university, which is what we are, understands its tasks and is aware of its responsibility for the development of society,' added Prof. Andrzej Tretyn. - It plays an important role in the progress of civilisation and teaches how to use it wisely. It is the leader of change in response to new challenges. Nowadays, the university must take part in wise ecological and energy transformation, changes in urban policy and participatory construction of local communities.
A special highlight of this year's University Day was the conferment of an honorary doctorate to Professor Oded Galor, an eminent economist from Brown University in Providence, creator of the unified theory of economic growth. The NCU Senate decided on the award of the honorary degree in Resolution No. 78 of 17 December 2024 on the basis of the scholar's outstanding achievements. The laureate's profile was introduced by Prof Marlena Ciechan-Kujawa, Dean of the NCU Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management, and the laudatio was delivered by the doctoral thesis supervisor, Prof Magdalena Osińska from the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management. Interestingly, the award presented to Prof. Galor on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the NCU is the 80th honoris causa doctorate awarded by our university.
- 'It is with deep gratitude and humility that I accept this honour from your esteemed University,' said Professor Oded Galor. - 'This is a milestone, a culmi-nation of my unwavering passion in the pursuit of knowledge. For an academic who has dedicated a significant part of his career to understanding the profound and enduring impact of history, it is particularly gratifying to receive the title in such a captivating city as Toruń. Walking along its cobbled streets, it is impossible to escape the intellectual and cultural splendour that has flourished here over the centuries. This heritage is the foundation of your great university. I am honoured to be included in its community.

Andrzej Romański
On that day, the winner of this year's Scientific Award 'Ratio et Spes' was also announced. It was awarded to ks. dr Paweł Kaszuba of the Pontifical University of John Paul II for his work 'Ethical Modelling of Cyberspace from a Person Perspective. The Project of the Personalist Ethics of Cyberspace'.
An exceptional distinction - the Medal for Distinguished Contributions to the University's Development - was awarded to dr habil. Michał F. Woźniak, NCU Prof. from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Prof. Jan Styczyński from the Faculty of Medicine, Collegium Medicum. The medal has been awarded since 1975 to persons whose activities have contributed in a special way to the promotion of the university at home and abroad, or who have supported the development of scientific research, scientific life and society at the NCU.

Andrzej Romański
The University Day was also the occasion for the presentation of Honorary Professorship titles. These were awarded to:
- dr habil. Mirosław Bączyk from the Faculty of Law and Administration - in recognition of his significant impact on the development of private banking law, bills of exchange law and contract law shaping the legal system of Polish courts and the directions of the development of Polish banking;
- dr habil. Edward Szłyk from the Faculty of Chemistry - in recognition of significant contributions to the development of innovative research directions in chemical sciences and organisational activities that have significantly contributed to the development and reputation of the University;
- dr habil. Jerzy Witold Wiśniewski from the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management - in recognition of his significant impact on the development of econometrics, economic education and organisational contributions to the academic community.

Andrzej Romański
The title of Honorary Professor is awarded by the Senate of the University on the proposal of the Chapter of Honorary Distinctions. It is conferred on professors with outstanding academic achievements who have retired in the past academic year. The title was awarded for the first time in 2015.
Since the same year, the University has also been building up a group of its Ambassadors, honouring alumni who have achieved significant success in science, culture, art, politics or business and who promote the University in their day-to-day activities. This year, the NCU Ambassador titles were awarded to: Krzysztof P. Czyżewski - lawyer and novelist; Paweł Gulewski - Mayor of Toruń; Anna Kalinowska - member of the Management Board and Director at Henkell-Freixenet Polska; Aleksandra Łukomska-Smulska - entrepreneur and social leader; Monika Michniak - President of Cereal Partners Poland Toruń-Pacific; and dr Monika Wiśniewska - Director of the Mill of Knowledge Modernity Centre.
On 19 February, during a ceremony in the NCU Auditorium, diplomas were also conferred on new doctors habilitated and doctors. In the 80-year history of the University, postdoctoral degrees have been conferred on 1586 scholars, 45 of them in the past year. Doctoral degrees have been awarded at the NCU to 5995 people, 138 of them in the past year. The doctoral promotion at the Collegium Medicum will take place on 25 April.