Campus life

Student Clinics Spread Their Wings

Internationally on migration

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Join YUFE Student Forum

Evaluation survey

Article contains a clip

YUFE is engaging the community

New dean authorities

Article contains photo gallery

Strategically about YUFE

Article contains photo gallery

Run with a Book 2024

Piernikalia student festival in a fairytale atmosphere

Article contains photo gallery Article contains a clip

Candidates for deans

Employee satisfaction survey

For those with a thirst for knowledge

New Authorities for the new term

Study without borders

Future of science at YERUN forum

Easter Internationally

Article contains photo gallery

Happy Easter!

Prof. Andrzej Tretyn – NCU Rector

Article contains photo gallery

Election of the Rector of NCU

Article contains a clip

YUFE with a new legal personality

Broaden horizons with NCU

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University Day full of awards and distinctions

Article contains a clip

Recruitment to the NCU Student Help Desks

University Day

Article contains a clip

Evaluating classes

Article contains a clip

Two Candidates for the Rector's Office

Condolences to Prague

Merry Christmas!

The Year Revolving around Copernicus

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Christmas traditions in an international community

Cooperation beyond borders

Article contains a clip

NCU in the prestigious ranking

Integration in tulips

Article contains photo gallery

Books from a self-check machine

Safe stops for scooters

Copernican year project

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Post-doctoral career development

A campus full of cultures

Article contains photo gallery

A Call for Reviving a Shared European Identity

Inauguration of the academic year

Article contains a clip

Become a Civic Star

Article contains a clip

The World Copernican Congress has just come full circle

Article contains photo gallery Article contains a clip

Welcome to Copenican Integration Centre

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European courses

A congress with a future

Article contains photo gallery Article contains a clip

Summary survey

Article contains a clip

Everything You Would Like to Know about Copernicus

Article contains a clip

Toruń around the World Copernican Congress

Article contains a clip

Finale of the World Copernican Congress

Article contains a clip

NCU in the Shanghai ranking

English for Entrepreneurship

Article contains photo gallery

Become a YUFE Online Language Café tutor

NCU Strategy: Personal "Education"

Article contains a clip

Summary survey

Article contains a clip

New Hanseatic League with a scientific twist

NCU strategy: 'People' with successes

Article contains a clip

Join YUFE Student Forum

YUFE Academy at the Nicolaus Copernicus University

Article contains a clip

Saturday in the garden

Toruń Moves - Let’s Integrate!

Equality at the workshop

Article contains photo gallery

Universities in a European network

New partner at YUFE

The festival in a nutshell

Easter intrnationally

Happy Easter!

Free courses at European universities

Start of admission

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April in the garden

Plan on equality

Community garden open for spring

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Mentoring without borders

Orientation week

Article contains photo gallery

YUFE Townhall

Solidarity with Ukraine

"Ratio et Spes" Laureates

Article contains a clip

University Day full of awards and honours

Article contains photo gallery Article contains a clip

World Copernicus Congress launched

Article contains a clip

Celebrating University Day also online

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Schools of Friends of Copernicus

Help for the victims of the earthquake

University Day 2023

Article contains a clip

Music and the Cosmos

Article contains photo gallery

Upcoming World Copernican Congress

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Summary survey

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In the research university network

Language learning at the Center

We are entering the Copernican Year

Merry Christmas!

Be ready for spring admission! It will begin in April 2023

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International Christmas

Article contains photo gallery

The best at the university

Conservation and restoration at home

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Completion of research in the quality system

YUFE Academy on the challenges of the present day

Article contains photo gallery Article contains a clip

Plan for equality

Change in the organization of the academic year

Student help desks are recruiting

Energy saving principles

University Authorities’ Announcement

Studies without borders

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YUFE Minors

NCU Campus going international

Article contains photo gallery Article contains a clip

Inauguration of the academic year

Article contains a clip

Virtual lectures about sustainability

YUFE training programme for Postdocs

Broaden your horizon

Article contains a clip

YUFE among the most promising initiatives

Learn, discover, enjoy

Article contains photo gallery

Press release

Open science ambassadors wanted

YUFE matchmaking

Let's meet at NCU

2022 Piernikalia

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YUFE Academy around the citizens' wellbeing

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Cups of smart Talks

Start of admissions for international students

Cups of Talks

Study in the European style

New Rector's Order

Transfer to NCU from Ukrainian universities

#studenciUKRAINIE – voluntary work without borders

Starting grants for scholars from Ukraine

Friendly space at the Library

Article contains photo gallery

Financial support for the Ukrainian community of NCU

Emergency management rules

Prestigious international studies

Suspension of cooperation with Russia and Belarus

All hands on board

YUFE support for Ukraine

Help for Ukraine

Rector's order - functioning of the University

What about PhD at YUFE?

Solidarity with Ukraine

Join YUFE Student Forum

Remote learning and session

YUFE D&I Grants

Foreign language and physical education classes

Changes in the organization of education

Merry Christmas!

Article contains a clip

One month of remote learning

YUFE welcomes new students

Covid-19 Vaccination at the NCU

Vice-Rectors’ Letter to Students

Nicolaus Copernicus University in the Week of Tolerance

YUFE PostDoc Call

Rector hours 12 November

YUFE – The Virtue of Engagement

What about a PhD at YUFE?

Together with the Poviat

Article contains photo gallery

Rector's hours 2 November

YUFE Town Hall in Bremen

50 Years of the University of Bremen

NCU international campus

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Inauguration of the academic year

Article contains a clip

YUFE Academy at NCU

YUFE Talk Show from Rome

See you in October!

Safe return to university

General university courses

Apply now for the YUFE Student Journey!

Article contains a clip

Plan your journey with YUFE

Beware of fake e-mails!

Together for the energy of the future

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YUFE for innovations

YUFE Talk Show straight from Essex

Against COVID-19: New Rector's regulations

Letter regarding the new academic year

Get ready for the YUFE Academy!

"Zerówka" course for ‘Grade Six’

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YUFE Job Portal

YUFE speaks your language!

YUFE Day at the NCU

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YUFE Talk Shows Debut

Together with the City for the Development of YUFE

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Rector's day - 4 June

Seize your chance with YUFE

Exam session in the remote mode

Join YUFE Student Forum

Per YUFE ad astra

Some of the classes taught in a different mode

Students – the co-creators of YUFE Student Journey

YUFE soon to offer first physical mobility to its students

E-learning classes until April 9

Soft skills training

Additional date for examination

Against COVID-19: New internal regulations

University Day

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Ratio et Spes Award for research into the effects of global warming

Article contains a clip

University Day - Rector's letter

Organisation of education - Order No. 3

YUFE Townhall

YUFE Alliance launches YUFE Diploma Supplement Track

YUFE Virtual Campus

Join YUFE Student Forum

Three New Deputy Rectors

Functioning of the administration - Order No. 30

Order of the Rector - 19 October

Get a feel of YUFE, join the YUFE Academy 2020!

Announcement by the Rector of NCU

Attractive and free of charge - soft skills trainings

The Best at NCU

Welcome to NCU News portal

"Klamra" in autumn opening

ORDER No. 188 of 15 September

Inauguration of the academic year 2020/2021

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Welcome foreign students!

Article contains photo gallery

Run with a Book

Support for Belarusian students

NCU becomes a full YUFE member

Article contains photo gallery Article contains a clip

YUFE alliance’s actions during the Covid-19 pandemic

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