University Day - Rector's letter
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen
Employees, Students and Doctoral Students
of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń,
On 19 February, the anniversary of our patron's birthday, we celebrate University Day. It is a day on which we particularly highlight our achievements and share them with our community, we point out the role that the University plays in the city and the region, and its increasingly important position in European and world science. Unfortunately, this year, due to the epidemic situation and the restrictions, the University Day celebrations will not take place in the form in which they have been organised so far. For the first time we are forced to cancel the event in the University Aula, in order not to endanger the members of the academic community and the guests who have always unfailingly accompanied us. On that day, the members of the Rector's Collegium will lay flowers at the monuments of Nicolaus Copernicus and Rector Ludwik Kolankowski, followed by a short transmission at 11 a.m. broadcast on www.umk.pl.
The University Day is particularly important to those who have received their habilitation and doctorate degrees. I know with what emotions you have been waiting for this event. I have asked the deans to prepare the graduation ceremonies for those promoted at their faculties., at a convenient time and place, and with observance of all the sanitary procedures in force. I can assure you that, despite the enforced change in the formula of this ceremony, the awarding of diplomas will take place in a manner that will allow you to feel the significance of this moment and the well-deserved satisfaction of your academic achievements.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am convinced that, despite the cancellation of the traditional ceremony in the University Hall, this year's University Day will remain a special day on which we will all feel proud to belong to the academic community of one of Poland's finest universities.
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Sokala