Prestigious international studies
The first admission is now open for a Master's degree in Sports Management, implemented in an international partnership as part of the prestigious Erasmus+ project. The best students from around the world will be granted attractive scholarships for the entire duration of their studies.
Together with the universities in Lille, Lisbon, Luxembourg and Vilnius, from the 2022/2023 academic year the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń will be running joint master's degree courses in sports management. The launch of international studies is an outcome of the GOALS (GOvernance & Administration of Leisure and Sports) project from Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree funds.
As part of their studies, which start at the University of Lille (project coordinator), students will have the opportunity to choose two paths in the second and third semesters (1) Sport Industry and (2) Leisure, Sport and Event Management.
If you choose the "Sport Industry" specialisation, the second semester of studies takes place at Mikolas Romeris University in Vilnius and in the third semester at the University of Lisbon. Students interested in "Leisure, Sport and Event Management" will spend the 2nd semester at our University (Faculty of Economics and Management), and in the 3rd semester they will return to the University of Lille. There is also the possibility (for each specialisation) to select "digital transformation" in the third semester, which involves studying at LUNEX University in Luxembourg.
These are the first studies conducted at the Nicolaus Copernicus University under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree programme, which are co-financed by the European Union with over 5 million euro for the entire six-year period of the project (5 editions of the studies). These funds will be allocated mainly for scholarships for the best candidates - as many as 20 scholarships for the best students out of about 25 places in each year, which for the whole period of education (24 months) will cover the tuition, accommodation and board (EUR 1400 per month).
- Launching attractive and international master's degree programmes is another step towards internationalisation of education at the Nicolaus Copernicus University - convinces Prof. Dr. hab. Przemysław Nehring, Vice-Rector for Education. - The very high evaluation of the GOALS project ( 78 out of 80 points) is a sign of recognition from the European Commission, but also a confirmation of the high quality of the programme presented by the partnership. For students, in turn, it is an opportunity to obtain an international diploma and competences necessary to enter the national and European labour market.
We encourage you to apply now - the deadline for submission of documents is 25 March (however, it is possible for those who graduate in June/July to send their diplomas after this date).
The official website of the programme (including application form, programme information): https://master-goals.eu/
Further information can also be obtained by writing to: sport@umk.pl