Strategically about YUFE
From 15 to 17 May, the first meeting of the Annual Strategic Forum took place at the NCU, bringing together key people associated with the YUFE alliance. The programme included lectures, discussions and working sessions on the future of the alliance and European higher education.
Those who have a role in the YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) as project coordinators, work package leaders or sit on the Strategic Board or Executive Committee of the alliance came to Toruń to participate in the Forum. There were also representatives from the YUFE Central Office. In total, almost 50 people from all over Europe attended the event.
The official opening of the ASF was scheduled for Thursday 16 May. Guests were welcomed by the hosts of the event, prof. dr habil. Andrzej Sokala, NCU Rector, and prof. dr habil. Przemysław Nehring, Vice-Rector for Education and Executive Director of YUFE at the NCU. The opening lecture, entitled 'Catching a runaway train' - Polish universities in the European Alliances, was delivered by dr haabil. Dominik Antonowicz, NCU Prof., Head of the Department of Research in Science and Higher Education and Director of the Centre for Strategic Analyses at the NCU.
The programme was filled with workshops, discussions and working sessions dedicated to discussing the future of the alliance and exchanging experiences in an international setting. The Annual Strategic Forum also saw the election of the YUFE President. In addition, the Strategic Board and the Executive Committee held their meetings.