From 17th to 19th September, the University Centre for Foreign Languages hosted a meeting dedicated to the development of cooperation between YUFE and Ukraine in the area of Lifelong Learning. Campus life

An autumn marked by integration

— Editors
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A language seminar, a history conference, workshops on lifelong education these are just some of the events taking place at the NCU as part of the second edition of the 'Copernican Integration Network' project implemented by our University in cooperation with Ukrainian universities.

The COIN2 project received more than PLN 800 000 in funding from the National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) in the 'Solidarity with Ukraine' programme addressed to Polish universities belonging to European University Alliances.

The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, as a member of the YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) alliance, has allocated support from NAWA for the implementation of tasks that will allow YUFE universities to deepen their cooperation with Ukrainian universities. The project envisages over 150 mobilities of Ukrainian university staff and their participation in several international events organised at the NCU.

One project – many events

Numerous NCU faculties and units have been involved in the preparation of the events, resulting in a diverse and rich offer of activities. They will culminate in September, October and November.

From 17th to 19th September, a workshop on lifelong learning is being held at the University Centre for Foreign Languages with representatives from the NCU, Ukrainian universities and the YUFE universities. The meeting serves to develop the project to establish an Open University.

The seminar organised by the University Centre for Foreign Languages was attended by people from the YUFE six partner universities and four Ukrainian universities.
Krzysztof Fabisiak

Student welfare, in turn, will be the topic of a workshop organised by the Department for International Partnerships and Educational Mobility, which will be attended by 30 Ukrainian university staff on 23rd-25th September.

On the other hand, from 23rd to 27th September, a workshop will take place during which future speech therapists, educationalists and psychologists will improve their competences in working with people with disabilities. This activity is organised by the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences.

The COIN2 project programme also includes workshops on sharing library collections (26-28 September). The topics of the meeting, hosted by the University Library, include issues such as preservation and digitisation of resources.

A three-day panel discussion on linguistic (cognitive, corpus, intercultural) research in Europe will take place in late September/early October with the participation of researchers from Lviv Polytechnic University. The meeting is organised by the Faculty of Humanities.

Next editions

As last year, an important highlight of the Copernican Integration Network project will be the history conference 'Engagement with the past, activism in the present', to which the Faculty of Historical Sciences invites you. The event, scheduled for 10-12 October, focuses on establishing and deepening contacts between representatives of the YUFE alliance and Ukrainian partners. This year's edition will be based on issues related to training historians and archivists in universities in such a way that they are, according to the title of the conference, 'engaged in the past and active in the present' after their education.

For the second time, there will also be a YUFE Language Contact Seminar, a language workshop for around 30 people from Ukraine and YUFE universities organised on 12th-14th November by the University Centre for Foreign Languages.

Copernican Integration Network

A number of initiatives supporting the integration of the YUFE with Ukrainian universities were also carried out by Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń a year ago. At that time, thanks to funding of nearly PLN 700 000, the NCU hosted conferences, seminars and workshops, including the AFECT (Archives, Forgetting, Emotions, Conflict, and Trauma) workshop prepared jointly with YUFE - University of Essex during study visits by staff from the British university to the NCU.

In the first edition of the project, 85 visits were made to NCU by students, doctoral students, academic and administrative staff.

The University Library, the University Centre for Foreign Languages, the Interdisciplinary Centre for New Technologies, the Faculty of Chemistry, the Faculty of Humanities, the Faculty of Biological and Veterinary Sciences, the Faculty of History, the Faculty of Law and Administration, the Faculty of Political Science and Security Studies, the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management and the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences are all participating in the current edition of the project.

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