Energy saving principles
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Employees, Doctoral Students and Students,
We are all struggling with the effects of the energy crisis, which has resulted in a progressive, significant increase in the price of energy carriers such as heat, gas and electricity.
The University has also been affected by the crisis, and this process will continue in the near future. We are in the process of analyzing energy management and working out its optimization. Regardless, the way each of us functions on a daily basis is extremely important. Therefore, we would very much like to ask you to adopt and implement the following principles of managing the University's resources:
- Refrain from using redundant electrical appliances, such as air heaters
- Turn off the lights before leaving rooms and use spotlighting
- Turn off personal computers and other electronic appliances on finishing work (do not leave them on standby)
- Use appliances rationally
- Choose new appliances with energy-efficiency in mind
- Appropriately adjust temperature in rooms (leave the thermostat knob in the middle position).
- Turn off the thermostat before long planned breaks in work (for example before weekends)
- Do not cover or block measuring, heating or cooling equipment
- Do not open windows during air-conditioning or heating the room
- Turn off air-conditioning before leaving work
- Limit mechanical ventilation to the needs resulting from the room usage plan
- Expose rooms to sunlight during the heating season and use blinds or shades during the cooling season
- Limit water consumption, turn off taps, use only cold water whenever possible.
We count on your cooperation on the matter which is crucial to the University.
Professor Andrzej Sokala, PhD
doctor Tomasz Jędrzejewski