Rector's order - functioning of the University
Order No. 31 of the Rector of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń from 25th February 2022 on special rules for the functioning of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in relation to the prevention of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the period from March 1 to June 30, 2022.
Pursuant to Article 50(1), Article 51(1) of the Act of 20 July 2018 Law on Higher Education and Science (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 478, as amended) and § 52(3) of Resolution No. 37 of the Senate of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń of 16 April 2019. Statutes of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń (UMK Legal Bulletin of 2019, item 120, as amended) in relation to the Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 6 May 2021 on the establishment of certain restrictions, orders and prohibitions in connection with the occurrence of an epidemic (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 861, as amended) it is ordered as follows:
Chapter 1
§ 1
- The classes at the University may be attended by academic teachers, students, doctoral students and other participants of the education process without symptoms of infection or contagious disease and if they have not been obliged to quarantine or isolate themselves at home.
- Academic teachers, students, doctoral students and other participants of the education process shall be obliged to cover their mouths and noses with masks both in common spaces of the buildings (libraries, corridors, halls, staircases, lifts, bars, toilets) and in teaching rooms during classes, except for physical education classes. An academic teacher may conduct classes without a mask.
- Breach of the obligation referred to in section 2 shall make it impossible for doctoral students, students and other participants in the learning process to attend classes. Absence from classes for this reason shall be treated as an unexcused absence.
§ 2
- The schedule of classes includes at least 15-minute breaks between classes in a given group.
- During classes lasting 90 minutes, the teacher sets one break lasting 10 minutes, which is included in the time of classes.
§ 3
Clinical classes and other classes taking place on the premises of hospitals are conducted in compliance with the safety rules and sanitary regime established by the director of the hospital in consultation with the dean of the relevant department.
Chapter 2
University Staff
- In particularly justified cases resulting from a COVID-19 epidemic, respectively:
- the Chancellor or the Vice-Chancellor for the Medical College - in the case of administrative and support staff
- the dean or the head of a university organisational unit - in the case of academic staff, staff employed in engineering and technical positions, IT specialists, archivists, data analysts and librarians
- may instruct an employee to work remotely.
- The remote work referred to in section 1 is ordered at the request of the immediate superior or of the employee with an opinion issued by the immediate superior. The application shall include the scope of duties to be performed within the framework of remote work and the time of their performance as well as information concerning the form of contact with the employee.
- The remote work order, together with the application, the scope of duties and the information referred to in paragraph 2, shall be forwarded to the Employee Affairs Department or the Employee Affairs Department of the CM.
- If an employee performs remote work, the employee's immediate superior is required to supervise the performance of the agreed responsibilities and working hours.
§ 5
Employees are obliged to cover their mouths and noses with a mask when in the University premises. This order does not apply if there is one person, or more than one person, in the room for whom the room is a permanent place of work and no other persons are temporarily present.
In the case of the necessity of personal care of children in the event of closure due to the threat of SARS-CoV-2 virus of a nursery, children's club, kindergarten or school attended by a child, this circumstance may justify the employee's absence from work for the period specified in separate regulations. In this case, the employee is obliged to send a scan of the relevant statement (forms available on the website of the Payroll Department and the Payroll Department of CM) by e-mail to: dplace@umk.pl in the Toruń part, or to: place@cm.umk.pl in the Bydgoszcz part.
Chapter 3
University buildings
The heads of the organisational units and the heads of the relevant administrative units are obliged to:
- post at the entrance to the building information in Polish and English regarding the symptoms of COVID-19 infection and methods of preventing infection, including the name, address and telephone number to the nearest sanitary and epidemiological station, address and telephone number of the nearest infectious ward, telephone numbers to services medical and containing the National Health Fund hotline number regarding coronavirus (800 190 590);
- place a hand sanitizer at the entrance to the building and posting information in Polish and English about the obligation to use it by all persons entering the building;
- designate and prepare a room or area (equipped in particular with personal protective equipment, disinfecting liquid and a non-contact thermometer) of a room or area where it will be possible to isolate a person in the event of finding disease symptoms;
- post instructions for hand washing in the toilets, and instructions for hand disinfection at the disinfectant dispensers;
- ensure the disinfection of toilets several times a day, cleanliness control and the supply of necessary items (soap, disposable towels);
- ensure regular daily disinfection or cleaning of furniture (chairs and other touch surfaces) as well as equipment, devices and materials used during the practical classes;
- provide employees with equipment, disinfectants, personal protective equipment (protective masks, disposable gloves), as well as special containers for used personal protective equipment;
- monitor the daily cleaning work, with particular emphasis on the current disinfection of touch surfaces, in particular handrails, handles, light switches, handles, flat surfaces, including countertops, which must be disinfected several times a day.
Chapter 4
Final provisions
§ 8
Academic teachers, students, doctoral students and other participants in the educational process at the University, as well as non-academic staff are advised to be vaccinated against COVID-19 and to observe the rules of social distance, in particular to avoid congregating.
- Employees, doctoral students, students and participants of other forms of education may submit information and questions regarding the functioning of the University in an epidemiological emergency to the address koronawirus@umk.pl.
- Any information to external entities on the functioning of the University in the scope covered by this order is provided exclusively by the NCU Press Team.
In matters not regulated in the Order, decisions concerning the functioning of the University are taken by the NCU Rector.
The Order becomes effective as of March 1, 2022.
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Sokala