Plan for equality
Dear Sir or Madame,
one of the important conditions for ensuring high quality teaching, research and artistic activity is an equality-based, open and diverse academic and working environment. Nicolaus Copernicus University, aiming to implement standards to ensure equal treatment (including on the basis of gender), adopted the Plan for Gender Equality 2022-2026 in February 2022.
The plan was developed by a team of experts. When preparing the document, the team was guided by the provisions of our Statutes, our 2021-2026 Strategy, the NCU Personnel Policy, YUFE's strategic documents, and they also used the results of a statistical diagnosis of the university's gender structure as well as the conclusions of an extensive specialist consultation. Adoption of the Plan is a condition of eligibility to apply for grants in the European Research Area, including the Horizon programme.
The document contains a set of actions divided according to the following five strategic areas: governance and decision-making, research career development and recruitment processes, work-life balance, safe and welcoming workplace and learning environment, gender in research and curricula.
We encourage you to familiarise yourself with the Gender Equality Plan, as well as to engage with its tasks and collaborate in its improvement.
Yours faithfully
prof. dr hab. Andrzej Sokala
Rector's Plenipotentiary for Equality
dr hab. Aleksandra Derra, prof. NCU