New opening for YUFE
Young Universities for the Future of Europe, an alliance of universities co-developed by the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, has launched an office in Brussels. This is the result of the transformation of the alliance, which began its existence as a project, into an association that is going beyond its earlier framework.
The opening of the office was attended by the representatives of the YUFE member institutions and the European Commission. The Nicolaus Copernicus University was represented at the opening by the Vice-Rector for International Relations, dr habil. Magdalena Barwiołek, NCU Prof.
In his welcoming speeches, Daniel Mouchard-Zay, Rector of Sorbonne Nouvelle and newly appointed President of the YUFE, emphasised the role of collaboration in shaping the future of higher education in Europe.
Particularly at a time of political polarisation, social unrest and wars at the borders of Europe, it is important that together we create a bright and hopeful future for Europe's younger generation, Mouchard-Zay said.
Ioana Dewandeler, Higher Education Policy Officer at the European Commission, expressed her strong support for European university alliances such as the YUFE and highlighted the transformative power of the initiative. Maria-Valerie Schegk, Secretary General of the YUFE, looking back at the achievements made in the five years since its launch, meanwhile shared her enthusiasm for the alliance's progress.

A YUFE Strategic Council meeting was also held on the margins of the meeting, where representatives from various groups, including the Student Forum, discussed key initiatives and future priorities.
The opening of a new office in Brussels and the change of leadership and legal personality represent a new chapter for the YUFE. Transformed into an association under Belgian law, it is a way to ensure continuity of activities and deepen cooperation between partner universities. This is also facilitated by the establishment of a team working in the capital of the European Union.