English for Entrepreneurship
Students from the YUFE partner universities took part in the onsite part of the blended intensive language course called: 'English for Entrepreneurship'. The event is the result of over two years of close cooperation between YUFE Language Centres.
A five-day stay at the Nicolaus Copernicus University of students from the YUFE partner universities from Cyprus, Rijeka and Antwerp was organized and coordinated by the NCU University Center for Foreign Languages as the host institution within the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programs (BIP) project called: 'English for Entrepreneurship'. The events prepared in cooperation with the universities from Eastern Finland, Cyprus, Rijeka and Antwerp were also attended by students from the Faculty of Law and Administration and the Faculty of Economic Sciences and Management of the Nicolaus Copernicus University.
The classes at the Nicolaus Copernicus University are a follow-up of the online course, which lasted from 6 March to 7 June, 2023 and was run by lecturers of the NCU University Centre for Foreign Languages: Kamila Szczepanowska, Joanna Ososińska-Ciechomska and Agnieszka Pawlikowska. Within legal and business modules participants of the course developed their knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship within legal and business modules.

As part of the project, which is coordinated by Kamila Szczepanowska – a lecturer of the NCU University Centre for Foreign Languages, students work in international teams to develop ideas for their own start-ups and learn how to correctly draft a business agreement in English. Classes in Toruń are conducted by lecturers from the YUFE partner universities: Stephanie Hughes (University of Antwerp), Mikko Hill (University of Eastern Finland), Andreas Athanasiades (University of Cyprus) and Ivana Edmonds (University of Rijeka).
The course also featured a hybrid session with Lucas Stoops (6 Degrees Capital) and Joris de Bruyne (Eye See) sharing their entrepreneurial experiences.Participants also met at the NCU Copernicus Centre for Integration, where they talked about the culture of their countries and culinary curiosities.For July 28, the last day of the course, a raft boat trip on the Vistula River is planned. The English for Entrepreneurship project is implemented with the support of the Centre for Academic Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer of the Nicolaus Copernicus University and in cooperation with the Inno4YUFE.