Students play a central role in all stages of the YUFE project. Their active participation in the development of the consortium is guaranteed by the Student Forum Campus life

Join YUFE Student Forum

— Editors
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Nicolaus Copernicus University is looking for students to join the YUFE Student Forum.

Students play a central role in all stages of the YUFE project. Their active participation in the development of the consortium is guaranteed by the Student Forum, which brings together people representing all partner universities (three people from each university). The representatives of the YUFE Student Forum have an essential part in the running of the project and the creation of the YUFE vision. The tasks of NCU student representatives include co-creation of the 'YUFE Student Journey' and 'Community and Civic Engagement' activities.

Tasks of  NCU student representative in the YUFE Student Forum:

 Expectations for candidates:

Participation in the YUFE Student Forum is voluntary, but NCU covers all related expenses (e.g. travel).

We kindly ask candidates to fill in the application form and send it with attached CV and motivation letter (max. 1 page). The application deadline is June 25, 2024.

Online interviews with the candidates will take place on Wednesday, July 3 from 9 to 12 a.m. on MS Teams.

For more information do not hesitate to contact Anna Prykanowska from the Department of International Partnerships and Educational Mobility,, MS Teams:

YUFE – Young Universities for the Future of Europe – is one of 50 alliances selected by the European Commission to build and test the European University model - open, non-elitist and integrating different environments and promoting innovation, interdisciplinarity and the highest quality in research and education. YUFE is an alliance of ten dynamic, young, student-centred research universities (over 190 000 students and over 32 000 staff) and four non-academic partners dedicated to higher education, the labour market and entrepreneurship. YUFE seeks to reinforce the concept of lifelong learning, emphasising the values of multiculturalism, multilingualism and European integration.

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