General university courses
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen
Students of Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń,
I am pleased to inform you that as of this academic year, the concept of general university courses offered by the Faculties of our University has changed considerably. All those who wish to broaden their horizons or pursue their interests can participate in two general university courses each academic year at no extra cost.
Regardless of whether this type of education is included in your study programmes, and regardless of whether you have already used this opportunity. In addition, we have significantly increased the number of courses taught in English. I would particularly like to encourage you to choose these courses. They offer a unique opportunity to comfortably test your language skills, quickly develop them in an interesting formula, and study together with students from all over the world studying at our University. In addition, most of the courses run in English are offered in thematic blocks of several elements, which will be repeated over the next three years. This provides the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge of a chosen topic combined with the freedom to choose which courses to pursue in a given academic year.

General university courses are an excellent way of expanding your knowledge. The offer for the following year includes topics representing all fields of science developed at our University. Carefully selected courses will give you the opportunity to become acquainted with the most up-to-date achievements of world science, to explore the problems of contemporary civilisation and, finally, to pursue self-development which is not limited to the acquisition of knowledge, but is also based on the development of skills and competences. Successful completion of the course will be confirmed in the diploma supplement, which will increase your competitiveness on the job market.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
with each academic year we strive to develop the educational system at our University. By changing the concept of general university courses - following the examples of other European universities - we are increasing the flexibility of your educational path. Please take advantage of this opportunity to compose your education individually.
With best regards
Vice-Rector for Education,
Prof. dr habil. Przemysław Nehring
The offer of general university courses is available on the website: https://bit.ly/zajecia_ogolnouniwersyteckie