Campus life

Become a Civic Star

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Want to develop your social skills, be useful, do something to benefit the local community, and gain experience? Check out YUFE's community activities at NCU. 50 hours of community service will give you personal development and an international YUFE Civic Star certificate.

YUFE Civic Star is a certificate that confirms the student's social engagement and the acquisition or development of transversal competencies, including teamwork, problem-solving, critical thinking, active listening, etc.

In the 2023/2024 academic year, you can earn the YUFE Star by engaging in the following activities:

YUFE Volunteering Programme

This offer is aimed at students who wish to work for the local community. The scope of duties depends on the place where the activity is carried out and may include, among others, assistance in the organisation of cultural events (concerts, meetings with artists), business (conferences, meetings with entrepreneurs), social (festival, integration meetings), educational (intercultural classes) and ecological (in the Edible Garden). Check out the offer prepared for NCU/YUFE students in Toruń:

All three offers require a physical presence on site in Toruń. Recruitment for volunteering is open until the end of April 2024.

Students interested in volunteering online can apply for programmes offered by YUFE's partner universities. The current offer is available on the YUFE Virtual Campus (Explore YUFE courses, then Civic Engagement Activities).

Studying and want to teach Polish to other YUFE students? Become a tutor within the Online Language Cafés.

YUFE Help Desk

This is a network of help desks for citizens. The students, supervised by academic staff, share the knowledge and experience they have gained at the university, answering the questions of local residents and providing free advice and support. There are 11 Help Desks in the network providing support in a range of areas including law, health, psychology, mural design, logistics, patents and intellectual property, and teaching.

You want to join the Help Desk team? Choose a Help Desk and apply by 15 November 2023:

Clinic of didactics and methodology of teaching supported by new technologies

Counselling centre for information verification and cyber-pathology prevention

Law clinic

Logistic clinic

Mural Design Studio

Students' Medical Clinic / Student Health Clinic

The Counselling for Equality #Inclusive

The Intellectual Property and Standardisation Law Counselling Centre

The website creation and audit counselling centre

University Clinic for Prevention and Help SYNERGY / support for young people and parents

Water Clinic at NCU


YUFE Civic Star

The total workload required for the YUFE Civic Star is 50 hours and includes:

1. Attending the YUFE Civic Engagement Activities Intro Training for Students. This online training (1.5 h) will introduce you to the YUFE Civic Star programme. You will learn:

Upcoming YUFE Civic Engagement Activities Intro Training for Students:

2. Completing an activity (YUFE Help Desk / Community Volunteering Programme);

3. Working on your YUFE Personal Development Plan.

Get to know YUFE better

Check out other YUFE community engagement opportunities: click on and select Civic Engagement Activities.

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