Rector's appeal
Dear Colleagues,
the floods are ravaging the south of Poland. The great water is far away from us, but all those who are struggling for their safety and to preserve their entire life's possessions are close to our hearts and memories. Our academic community has already proved on more than one occasion that all-human solidarity is its highest value.
At the Copernicus Integration Centre in Toruń, we have organised a collection of material donations for the flood victims (between 7 am and 4 pm). In Bydgoszcz, donations can be brought to the Library building of the Medical College (8 am - 4 pm).
The most urgent needs at the moment are:
- bottled drinking water,
- food with a long shelf life,
- cleaning and personal hygiene products,
- animal food,
- sandbags.
We are collecting for Głuchołazy!
With best regards
Rector's College