Millions for our University
The Nicolaus Copernicus University will receive PLN 89 million in state bonds for strategic investments. The university authorities plan to use the funds for the thermal modernisation of the library and the rrectorate in Toruń and the construction of buildings for the medical and dental studies, a teaching and conference centre and a student house in Bydgoszcz.
Prime Minister Donald Tusk announced his decision to allocate PLN 1.5 billion to Polish universities on 26 November. He indicated that the money was to be spent on strategic investments, i.e. enabling scientific research to be carried out, pro-student and the so-called higher necessity investments, including the modernisation of buildings.
The decision that a slice of the state cake will go to the Nicolaus Copernicus University was announced on Monday by Grzegorz Karpiński, deputy head of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, at a joint press conference with university authorities and the mayor of Toruń.
On its 80th birthday, the NCU will receive PLN 89 million, Minister Karpiński said. - In this way the Prime Minister wants to level out at least some of the injustice and unfairness that befell the academic, university and scientific community under the previous government, when grants were often awarded on a discretionary basis rather than on merit.
Only those universities that did not receive any money or received it at a very symbolic level in the years 2020-2023 were included in the distribution of funds. The funds were divided according to the subsidies the university receives from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń is the sixth university in the country in terms of the amount of subvention it receives and the fourth in terms of the amount of money currently allocated.

Andrzej Romański
- During my previous term of office, we managed to modernise two over 50-year-old buildings on the Bielany campus: the Faculties of Chemistry and Biology,' said prof. dr habil. Andrzej Tretyn, NCU Rector. - There are two more to go: the Main University Library and the rectorate, and now we want to upgrade them with thermomodernisation and solarisation. As far as the Collegium Medicum is concerned, I would like the decision on spending the funds to be taken by the community there.
People will not have to wait long for the 'medics' to decide. - We are planning the construction of buildings for the medical and dental studies, a teaching and conference centre and a student house,' enumerated prof. dr habil. Dariusz Grzanka, Vice-Rector for Collegium Medicum.