YERUN connects scientific potentials
An advanced search engine for scientists, publications, and grants, easy access to information about research and competitions, and an innovative matchmaking tool for researchers from different universities - these are just some of the features of the CONNECT by YERUN platform, made available by the Young European Research Universities Network.
CONNECT by YERUN is an innovative digital platform developed by the University of Southern Denmark and made available by YERUN (Young European Research Universities Network) at the end of November 2024 to foster collaboration between member institutions. By facilitating the networking of researchers and research management teams at YERUN institutions, the app is part of the association's mission to support open science and interdisciplinary research across Europe.
Thanks to the platform, users get full access to a database of studies conducted at all YERUN-affiliated universities, European projects and upcoming competitions that can fund research," says Adam Kola, Ph.D., NCU professor, Vice-Rector for Research and newly elected vice president of the YERUN Executive Board. "While the AI-supported matchmaking tool connects scientists, science managers and indicates possible funding sources."
Notably, the developers of the CONNECT by YERUN application have taken care not only in collecting an extensive data resource but also in making its use simple and efficient. Users of the platform have access to an advanced search engine for people, publications, and grants, operating based on long phrases, filters, and keywords; they also receive suggestions from researchers and grants in which they may be interested. Data scattered across multiple platforms (e.g., ORCID, CORDIS, etc.) are now available in one easy-to-use application.
The CONNECT by YERUN platform is open to all researchers and project managers within the YERUN network. To gain access, it is necessary to have an ORCID ID with an email address visible to all.
Details on how to use the platform will be available during webinars scheduled on the following dates:
January 31, 2025 12:00-13:00, link to registration
April 11, 2025 12.00-13.00, link to registration
June 20, 2025 12.00-13.00, link to registration
In addition, on February 27 at 10:00 a.m., there will be an online information meeting on the CONNECT by YERUN platform, organized specifically for the NCU community.