Around the world's most famous scientific book
The celebration of the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus' birth is accompanied by the exhibition "Of all books the most worthy of reading.... Around De revolutionibus," co-organized by the University Library.
The exhibition, which is housed in the interiors of the Old Town Hall in Toruń, consists of the oldest editions of Copernicus' work De revolutionibus..., including the first two Nuremberg editions of 1543. In addition, a large number of very valuable incunabula and old prints is presented, illustrating the context in which the astronomer's life work De revolutionibus orbium coelestium was created, as well as a rich selection of various 20th century editions of the world's most famous scientific book. The entire exhibition closes with a rich display of prints presenting Copernican iconography.

fot. Andrzej Romański
The exhibition is presented in the courtyard and in the representative rooms of Toruń's Old Town Hall from February 19 - for guests of the World Copernican Congress, and for the general public from February 22 to May 7, 2023. The NCU Scientific Publishing House has prepared a catalogue "Of all books the most worthy of reading... Around the De revolutionibus of Nicolaus Copernicus" (Toruń 2023).
The exhibition is a co-organised by the Toruń Regional Museum, the University Library, the Copernicus Library in Toruń, and the National Archives in Toruń. The exhibition will be on display until May 7, 2023.