NCU international campus
About 400 foreign students from nearly 40 countries will begin their studies at the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń on 1 October. Thinking of them, the Department of International Partnerships and Educational Mobility and the Department of Recruitment and Student Affairs have prepared an Orientation Week.
This year, the event will be held in an extended format, not only for Erasmus+ participants, but also for international students coming for a full course of study.
The programme of Orientation Week, which will last from 27th September to 4th October, includes interesting lectures and intercultural workshops showing the various aspects of culture that foreigners may encounter during their stayin Poland. During the week of meetings, students acquire practical knowledge about the functioning of the university, the principles of studying in Poland and life in Toruń. It is also an opportunity to learn about different, often very distant cultures.
After last year's restriction of student mobility caused by the pandemic situation, we can again observe an increase in interest in international exchanges. This year, for the winter semester alone, 166 students decided to come to the Nicolaus Copernicus University under the Erasmus+ programme. Among those who have come are guests from 11 countries, including France, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Albania, North Macedonia and Turkey.
Among the international students who have chosen to study full-time, there are 234 from 33 countries, including such distant ones as China, Cameroon, Japan, Congo, Indonesia, India, Senegal and Zimbabwe.
Due to new guidelines concerning the functioning of the University and the still valid recommendations related to COVID-19, some events will be held in the online format. On 27th September - during the official inauguration of the Orientation Week - foreign guests were welcomed by prof. dr habil. Beata Przyborowska, Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, and prof. dr habil. Przemysław Nehring, Vice-Rector for Education.
The coming days will be intensive with a Polish language course, intercultural and psychological workshops and numerous webinars. Thanks to the kindness and financial support of the City of Toruń, the guests will also have a guided tour of the Old Town of Toruń.
The Orientation Week will close on 4th October with meetings with Erasmus+ Faculty coordinators and online lectures.