From this edition onwards, you can join the Open YUFE programme at any time by filling in the application available on the YUFE Virtual Campus at your convenience From this edition onwards, you can join the Open YUFE programme at any time by filling in the application available on the YUFE Virtual Campus at your convenience Campus life

Open YUFE – education without borders

— Editors
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Recruitment for the Open YUFE programme is underway. It is an opportunity for students to take part in courses and academic activities across Europe for free. Lectures, classes, workshops, pro-social activities and many other activities are available on the YUFE Virtual Campus.

The programme, formerly known as the YUFE Student Journey, allows students to freely choose their classes from the extensive catalogue available on the YUFE Virtual Campus. What's more, Open YUFE can be joined at any time by completing an application on the aforementioned platform at a convenient moment.

Remote - hybrid - on-site modes

The programme offers the opportunity to pursue remote courses throughout the year at, for example, the University Sorbonne Nouvelle in Paris, the University of Antwerp or Charles III University in Madrid. The only requirement is knowledge of English at B2 level. Once you join, you are free to choose your classes over the following semesters (maximum four). Participants and attendees have the freedom to explore different subjects and design an individual study path that is in line with their interests and goals. Some of the offer is available in a virtual or in hybrid  modes and some in an on-site mode. This is not only an opportunity for development, but also a chance to participate in a groundbreaking initiative that is changing European higher education.

Open YUFE – Open Day

For those interested, the YUFE is organising an online Open YUFE DAY. During the sessions, you will be able to find out more about the programmes and hear the opinions and experiences of students already benefiting from the offer. It is also an opportunity to ask questions. The meeting will take place on Monday 18 November 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Rejestration for Open YUFE DAY

In addition, four information stands will be organised at the NCU: on Wednesdays 16 and 23 October from 12:00 to 14:00 at the Copernican Integration Centre and on Thursdays 17 and 24 October from 11:00 to 13:00 at the University Main Library.

More information

YUFE Virtual Campus

If you are interested in going to a partner university, please contact us at

YUFE (Young Universities for the Future of Europe) is one of 50 alliances selected by the European Commission to build and test the European University model - open, non-elitist and inclusive, and promoting innovation, interdisciplinarity and excellence in research and education. The YUFE is made up of ten dynamic, young, student-focused research universities (totaling over 190,000 students and more than 32,000 staff) and four non-academic partners working on higher education, the labour market and entrepreneurship. The YUFE members work together to promote their educational programmes, develop mechanisms to facilitate student and staff mobility and create a model of higher education that is borderless yet well-embedded in the local context, responsive to changes in society and the labour market. The YUFE alliance strives to reinforce the idea of lifelong learning, to emphasise the values of multiculturalism, multilingualism and European integration.

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