Copernicus moves Kraków
- The nationwide celebrations of the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus' birth and the accompanying World Copernican Congress are the best opportunity to return in various ways to the original thought of De revolutionibus orbium coelestium, reminding us of its never-ending relevance,' said Prof. Jacek Popiel, Rector of the Jagiellonian University during the inauguration of the Cracow stage of the WCC.
The World Copernican Congress, which began in Toruń on 19 February on the 550th anniversary of Nicolaus Copernicus' birth, has a 'rolling' formula and visits successively the universities that organise it. After its February inauguration at the Nicolaus Copernicus University, the Congress is visiting Kraków (24-26 May), Olsztyn (21-24 June), to return to Toruń in September (11-15 September).
The Krakow stage of the Congress brings together economists, philosophers and scholars of the history of these disciplines, and the programme consists of a philosophical section 'The Copernican Herritage' and an economic section 'Around the Money'.

Adam Koprowski
Professor Andrzej Sokala, Rector of the Nicolaus Copernicus University, who was present at the ceremony, announced the autumn stage of the Congress in Kraków: - We have prepared three main scientific sessions. The first, on the history of astronomy, will consider the current state of research into pre-Copernican astronomy, Copernican astronomy and the earliest reception of Copernicus' work De revolutionibus. In the cultural studies part, researchers from various disciplines will establish the place of Nicolaus Copernicus in the broader culture. The third substantive session will be devoted to the history of medicine and will focus on medical journeys in Central and Eastern Europe from the time of Copernicus to the 20th century.
The session in Kraków was inaugurated with a plenary on 'The Theory of Relativity by Nicolaus Copernicus', delivered by Rev. Prof. Michał Heller, which was connected with a certain personal jubilee of the Professor. - Half a century ago I had the honour of delivering the opening lecture at the international congress devoted to cosmological models, organised in Kraków in 1973 on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of the birth of Nicolaus Copernicus," recalled Rev. Prof. Michał Heller. - Time passes in a flash and here I am today, 50 years after that event, having the pleasure of speaking to you.
The sessions take place in the Auditorium Maximum of the Jagiellonian University at 33 Krupnicza Street, Kraków.
The full programme and detailed information: https://kopernik550.uj.edu.pl
The World Copernican Congress is organised by Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń, Jagiellonian University in Kraków, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and the Institute of the History of Science, Polish Academy of Sciences.
Congress website: https://www.copernicus2023.com/
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